IV And Vitamin Therapy Specialist

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Thrive Men’s Clinic

Men’s Health & Testosterone Replacement located in Tarzana, CA, and the greater San Fernando Valley

While eating a healthy, balanced diet, and drinking water, and taking oral supplements would ideally provide you with the nutrients and hydration you need, sometimes it’s not at optimal levels due to a lack of GI absorption. That’s where the IV therapy lounge at Thrive Men’s Clinic in Tarzana, California, and the greater San Fernando Valley, can help. Dr. Hooman Jeff Nazar provides IV therapy for when you need a boost. Schedule an appointment online or over the phone.

IV and Vitamin Therapy Q & A

What is IV therapy?

IV (intravenous) therapy puts water, nutrients, and minerals directly into your bloodstream. A common use of IV therapy is to help you recover quickly when you’re dehydrated and want an efficient way to get replenished. Whether you’re jet-lagged, need high-dose vitamin replenishment, have a hangover, or you just ran a marathon, IV therapy can help improve your body and mental function, and usually right away.

If you’re feeling very depleted, drinking fluids might not be the most efficient way to fix that. An IV goes directly into your bloodstream, delivering the nutrients you need without having to go through your digestive system first. By removing the digestive process, the body can immediately absorb the vitamins and minerals so you can quickly begin to feel the results soon after the treatment session.

What can I expect from an IV therapy session?

Your healthcare provider at Thrive Men’s Clinic will first go over your goals for IV therapy and reasons for seeking treatment. There are several IV therapy options to choose from and custom formulas are also available to suit your individual needs. The purpose of IV therapy is to restore depleted fluids, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, with additions to the formula to manage your pain, detox from drinking alcohol, and improve your overall well-being and energy level.

The treatment usually lasts 30-60 minutes. In addition to the nutritional benefits, IV therapy is a relaxing and pleasant experience. You sit in a comfortable chair while you receive the formula and can bring something to read or listen to. You’ll also have an iPad to browse the internet or catch up on your shows on Netflix (so make sure to bring your favorite headphones!). Some people simply close their eyes.

Is IV therapy safe?

IV therapy is safe when you receive it from an experienced team that is overseen by physicians who take proper precautions for sterility and use an ideal injection technique. Thrive Men’s Clinic and Wellness buys the formulas from reputable pharmacies and medical suppliers, and the IV is a safe method of delivery for them. We also use the smallest needles possible.

IV therapy is painless for most people. However, as with any intravenous procedure, there is a slight risk of soreness or bruising where the needle goes into your vein. Your provider will discuss the risks and benefits before treatment.

IV Hydration and Vitamin Menu

Injectable Vitamin Therapy

We are a men’s health clinic providing specialized care tailored to the unique medical needs of the adult male. Our comprehensive approach to wellness includes innovative hormone, nutritional, cosmetic, and skin care to enhance and help create the best you.

  • 818-906-8888
  • Monday – Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • 18740 Ventura Blvd. Suite 101 Tarzana, CA 91356

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